Data Sharing and Availability Policy
Data Sharing and Availability Policy
The Journal of Drug Delivery and Biotherapeutics (JDDB) is committed to promoting transparency and reproducibility in scientific research. To support these principles, the journal encourages authors to share the data underlying their research and provide clear statements on data availability in their manuscripts.
- Scope of the Policy
This policy applies to all research articles submitted to Journal of Drug Delivery and Biotherapeutics (JDDB) that involve data collection and analysis. Authors are required to:
- Share their research data where legally and ethically permissible.
- Provide information on how and where the data can be accessed by readers.
- Data Availability Statement
All manuscripts must include a Data Availability Statement at the time of submission, regardless of whether the data are publicly accessible. The statement should describe:
- Whether the data are available.
- Where and how the data can be accessed (e.g., in a public repository or upon request from the authors).
- Any restrictions on data access (e.g., legal, ethical, or privacy concerns).
Examples of Data Availability Statements:
- "The datasets generated and analyzed during this study are available in the [repository name] repository, [DOI or link]."
- "The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request."
- "The data that support the findings of this study are available from [third party] but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study."
- "No datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study."
- Data Repositories
Authors are encouraged to deposit their datasets in trusted public repositories that assign a persistent identifier (e.g., DOI) to the data. Examples of repositories include:
- General Repositories: Figshare, Dryad, Zenodo
- Field-Specific Repositories:
- GenBank (genomic data)
- (clinical trial data)
- PDB (Protein Data Bank)
Repositories should comply with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles.
- Benefits of Data Sharing
- Enhances transparency and reproducibility of research.
- Allows others to validate findings or conduct secondary analyses.
- Promotes collaboration and increases the impact of research.
- Ethical and Legal Considerations
- Authors must ensure that data sharing complies with:
- Institutional policies.
- Legal and ethical standards (e.g., protection of participant privacy, informed consent).
- For human participant data, authors must anonymize datasets or obtain participant consent for data sharing.
- Exceptions to Data Sharing
Data sharing may not be possible in certain circumstances, including:
- Legal or contractual restrictions.
- Ethical concerns related to participant confidentiality.
- Proprietary or sensitive information.
In such cases, authors must explain the reason for data unavailability in the Data Availability Statement.
- Editorial Review of Data Statements
The editorial team will review the Data Availability Statement as part of the manuscript evaluation process. Manuscripts that do not comply with this policy may be returned for revision before further review.
- Citation of Data
When citing datasets, authors should follow best practices and include persistent identifiers (e.g., DOIs) in the references section of the manuscript.
- Smith, J. (2024). Dataset for "Study on Pharmacological Outcomes." Dryad,
- Support for Authors
Authors who are unfamiliar with data sharing or repository submission are encouraged to contact the editorial office at [insert contact email] for guidance and support.