Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy for Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP)

The Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) is committed to open access publishing, ensuring that all research articles are freely available to users worldwide, without any subscription or paywall barriers. This policy outlines the copyright, licensing terms, and open access principles that guide our publishing process.

1. Copyright Ownership

All articles published in Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) remain the intellectual property of the authors. Authors retain full copyright to their work. However, authors grant Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the content, ensuring that their work is accessible and freely shared under open-access principles.

2. Creative Commons License

To uphold our open access model, all articles published in Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This globally recognized license supports the free use, sharing, and adaptation of the work while ensuring that the original authors and source are properly credited.

Under this license:
  • Users can share (copy and redistribute) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon) the material for any purpose, including commercial purposes.
  • Proper attribution must be provided to the original authors and the journal (Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology, JIMP).
  • The license permits works to be freely accessed, reused, and redistributed while preserving the rights of the authors.

3. Open Access Policy

Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) ensures that all published articles are freely accessible to all readers, with no subscription or paywall barriers. The open access policy enables wider dissemination of research findings, promoting the exchange of knowledge within the scientific community and society at large.

  • All articles are immediately available for reading, downloading, and sharing as soon as they are published.
  • Authors retain full copyright over their work but agree to the CC BY 4.0 license for publication in the journal, which ensures that their work is shared openly and freely.

5. Attribution Requirements

When reusing or sharing articles from Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP), users must properly attribute the work as follows:

  • The name(s) of the author(s).
  • The title of the article.
  • A citation of the journal: Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP).
  • A link to the published article or the journal’s website.

This ensures that the authors receive due credit for their contributions and that the research is properly cited in future work.

6. Author Rights

Authors retain the following rights regarding their published work:

  • Re-sharing: Authors may share their published work in institutional repositories, personal websites, or other academic platforms.
  • Use in Teaching and Presentations: Authors are free to use their articles for educational purposes, presentations, and other non-commercial applications.
  • Derivative Works: Authors can create derivative works (e.g., translations, adaptations) based on their published articles, as long as the original article is properly cited.

7. Archiving and Preservation

Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) is committed to the long-term preservation and accessibility of the research we publish. We work with recognized digital archives and repositories to ensure that all published content is preserved and can be accessed over time. Persistent identifiers, such as DOIs, are assigned to every article to facilitate citation and referencing.

8. Ethical Considerations

Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) upholds the highest standards of ethical publishing. Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines in research, including avoiding plagiarism, ensuring proper informed consent, and protecting participant confidentiality. We support the transparency of the research process and encourage the sharing of research data wherever feasible.

10. Data Sharing and Transparency

Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) encourages authors to share their research data in a transparent manner to improve reproducibility and the scientific impact of their work. Authors are encouraged to deposit their datasets in publicly available repositories and to provide links to the datasets in their published articles.