Archiving and Preservation Policy

The Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of all published content. This policy outlines the measures implemented to safeguard the journal’s digital content against data loss, technological obsolescence, and access disruptions.

  1. Digital Archiving

JI Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) MP uses reliable digital archiving systems to preserve all published content and make it accessible for future generations. The journal partners with established services to ensure the long-term availability of articles.

Archiving Services Include:

  • LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe): JIMP content is preserved in the LOCKSS system, enabling participating libraries to create permanent, decentralized archives of the journal for long-term preservation and restoration if needed.
  • CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe): The journal’s content is also archived with CLOCKSS, ensuring content is preserved even if the journal ceases to operate.
  1. Institutional Repositories

Authors are encouraged to deposit the published version of their articles in institutional or subject-specific repositories. Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) supports self-archiving under the following conditions:

    • Authors may archive the final published PDF version of their article.
  • Proper citation to the original publication in Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) must be included.
  1. Digital Preservation Strategy

JIMP employs multiple strategies to safeguard its digital content:

  1. Regular Backups: All digital files are backed up regularly on secure servers to prevent accidental data loss.
  2. Format Migration: The journal ensures that digital content remains accessible by migrating files to updated formats when necessary.
  3. Persistent Identifiers: All articles are assigned Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to provide permanent links and ensure discoverability.
  1. Open Access and Long-Term Accessibility
  • All published articles are open access and freely available on the journal’s website without any subscription or access fees.
  • In the event of technical disruptions, the journal’s archived content will remain accessible through LOCKSS, CLOCKSS, or institutional repositories.
  1. Legal Deposit

Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) complies with any national or international requirements for legal deposit, where applicable.

  1. Partnering with Libraries

Journal of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology (JIMP) collaborates with university libraries and other institutions to ensure widespread archiving and distribution of published content.

  1. Policy Updates

This policy is reviewed periodically to ensure alignment with best practices in digital preservation. Updates to the policy will be reflected on the journal’s website.

  1. Contact Information

For any questions about the journal’s archiving and preservation policy, please contact us at